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ESSENTIAL - Chomsky on Surviving the 21st Century

Why have our supposedly democratically elected governments failed to act on the greatest threats to human survival in the 21st Century? What actually drives political priorities? How does the world work, and why does it work that way?

In this essential, must see, must hear, talk by Noam Chomsky, we see the veil of elite, private power removed, to expose the driving forces of a world system that sees our leaders, like lemmings, taking us to the cliff of climate change and nuclear destruction, and throwing us over the abyss.

Durham University, 2014, Video


Ecology, Ethics, Anarchism


Chomsky on the destruction of Greeks, 2015, Video


Multispecies World

Multispecies World - Keynote by Noam Chomsky from Harvard STS on Vimeo.


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