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Thinking of you

When I hear you say

I love you, you thrill my soul

You make me feel so good

When I hear your sleepy voice

So far away in my heart

I can feel who you are


When you are by my side

Slip your hand into mine

You say what I'm thinking

Knowing what I need

Singing to my sense of right

Seeing the same light


You make my heart fly

To live so preciously

We are thinking of each other

We make happiness

Out of this strange reality

We call a life lived


Crazy for what we may be

Thinking ever deeper

Til it hurts how much I know

That I want to be with you

With electric intensity 

Of a screaming crying heart


Can you understand

I love, to live, to fly with you

Just to be as wild with you

True to the eternal light

Wrapped up in a power flight

To be, with me, in love, with you.



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