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The Big Lie: Why it Works

Return of Walt Whitman

Have you read your Leaves of Grass lately? What does the great old gray poet have to teach us today. Check out some of the biographers and his autobiography.

Amazing Ideas

I believe we have so many AMAZING and innovative ideas, we all need to start spreading them if we got 'em. We have everything to gain.

Fragments from the Notes of a Tourist in Prague

Work has once again become insufferable. Why? Where should I begin? Interfering managers and infuriating targets? Smiling contempt and "meaningless achievement" (Kafka)?

Independence and Freedom

Do you have the courage to attain complete freedom and independence. Try sailing alone around the world with Joshua Slocum.

Wikipedia on OpeniPub: Transcendentalism

In his essay Nature Emerson explains that to experience the "wholeness" with nature for which we are naturally suited, we must be separate from the flaws and distractions imposed on us by society. "To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars."

Cover Photo Credit: "Smear Street Art1". Via Wikipedia -

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